
Serving our Community

Project Bridge helps the rising first, second, and third graders of Henry County bridge the summertime academic gap with 1-on-1 reading with a Caring Adult. In small groups, healthy social skills and positive character traits are intentionally taught and reinforced through school and Bible stories, games and other activities, arts and crafts, science, music, and recreation.

But, it's so much more than a literacy program. Our students gain all kinds of experiences from line dancing, growing healthy food, and meeting new friends. 

Positive results

A typical day at Project Bridge

Each day at Project Bridge starts with a theme that supports the overall goal of the program. Each year, our goal is to introduce and reinforce character traits that can create a better world where every individual feels valued. The program utlizes "Love in a Big World" as its curriculum.

In each Opening Assembly, we introduced a character trait for that day to help students, interns, and volunteers grow. Music, puppet shows, and other engaging activities help illustrate each character trait. 

Every day includes plenty of time for 1-on-1 reading with a Caring Adult and journaling. Caring Adults call attention to character traits as revealed in stories and as they see their child demonstrate.

In small groups, character traits are revealed in Bible stories and & children's literature. Students participate in a variety of activities to reinforce the day's character traits including arts and crafts, physical games, and science experiments. 

Need a ride?

Project Bridge can provide transportation to/from the program plus breakfast and lunch each day. 

how can i get a child involved?

We accept referrals from local teachers. If you want a child to participate, talk to their teacher. 

For teachers - complete a Project Bridge referral form, available in your school office, or contact us for more information. 

why do we include social and emotional development?

Struggling readers often get discouraged. They may withdraw, give up, or misbehave out of frustration.  Discouragement may lead to social difficulties and negative emotions towards self, others, and/or school.

While the primary focus in Project Bridge is to improve literacy in young children, we recognize and support the importance of positive and healthy social skills and emotional development for school success. 

2023 lessons

2023 character traits included